This whole experience has been the two steps forward with one step backward from the beginning. This week was a big step backward because of a stupid mistake on my part. On Mondays at dinner time I take my dexamethazone. I take 10 pills once a week at dinner. This last Monday was a debacle. KT and Bill were over for a Memorial Day BBQ and we were all feeling good. I ate a big meal and then remembered to take my dex. I had just gotten a new refill of the pills since I had recently run out so I was opening a fresh bottle of the pills. I asked the chickenhaawk to hand me the pills. She handed me the bottle, I counted out 10 pills and took them. I noticed as I was doing it that the pills looked different than before. There was a nicer coating on them with a different color. What I didn't realize is that I had the wrong pill bottle. I ended up taking 10 compazine which is an anti- nausea med that I have only taken once before so the pills didn't look familiar. I did not realize the mistake until it was about 10 minutes too late.
I freaked out, I jumped up and started to panic like I have never panicked before. KT calmly called poison control and did doctor talk with the person on the line. They determined that I was not going to die and that I did not need to start barfing. The side effects were something that I would just have to deal with. So I have spent the last few days unable to walk due to muscle spasms, sleeping due to fatigue side effects and fighting off nasty anxiety attacks which which is also a side effect. It has been a terrible trip back to the early days of the cancer process. I am again coming out of it again but it has been a real drag. I had to put off a couple of appointments that I had planned on doing including the bone scan on Tuesday and I did not get in to do my monthly lab work until today.
The good news from this week has been getting to chat with both Louis and Janet who are just back from their sailing adventure/ honeymoon. You can read their blog here. They have had the good fortune to do something that I have dreamed of doing for most of my life. They were gone when I got the news about cancer and have kept in touch from the Caribbean the whole time sending me all kinds of pick me up items from that beautiful place that I am so looking forward to visiting again when I am feeling better. Janet came over to spot me on Tuesday when the Chickenhawk had to be out of the house and Louis came today and drove me down to kaiser for my blood draw. They are both so great about entertaining my vicarious excitement about their new cruising lifestyle. I'll put their blog up in my blog roll. It is well written and entertaining.
I have to say thanks yet again to the chickenhawk. In the last week I have been more dependant on her care and she has been great about taking the extra care of me. She has stepped up without complaint and done everything that I couldn't do for myself.
The artwork for the new Velo LoCo Jerseys is in. I will try to post that artwork. I am not sure if I am going to be able to do it so bear with me. Matt is taking orders for the Jerseys and will be coordinating information through the old Velo Loco Blog . If you are interested in getting a jersey and have not emailed Matt yet give a shout out to him soon.
Thanks for Reading.
and remember always double check your pill bottles before you take your meds.