Sunday, February 24, 2008


I spent the weekend taking anti coagulants in preparation for the chemotherapy that starts tomorrow. I will be taking Thalidomide and Decacdron. The Thalidomide causes blood clots so that is why the anti coagulants. The side effects of the thalidomide don't sound too bad. Mostly drowsiness. So I'll take it at bed time.
One of the anticoagulants is lovenox. I have to take that as an injection. So far I have not mustered the gumption to give myself a shot so the chickenhawk has been doing it for me. She is one of the most squeamish people I know but she is doing great with sticking me. I think it is all the years of practice on sorelegs voodoo dolls.
Nana and Papa took the kids for the weekend and we got to spend some time just the two of us. That is rare, but we stayed home and enjoyed the peace and quiet.

That is the short term update. I am working on some larger posts soon to come.
Thanks for reading.


bikesgonewild said...

...i get so understandably serious about all this stuff, but i did have to laugh about you taking something called 'lovenox'...if you hadn't explained it, i'd be jealous...

...& once you get through the tear-down stage & get on to the rebuild, you're gonna just be one more cyclist on EPO...damn...

...stay strong, see ya...

Reagan said...

Peace and quiet is nice, huh? I don't have kids but I know what you mean...It's just nice to revel in quiet sometimes!